Kaboom Classics: Paul & Menno de Nooijer


90 min.

Is it animation? Is it film? Is it photography? Within the impressive oeuvre of father Paul and Menno de Nooijer, the boundaries between these disciplines blur. Like no one else, the duo has mastered the game of pixilation and 'illusionism'. Their films, with their great sense of aesthetics and humour, bathe in an alienating atmosphere and touch on subjects like transcience, eroticism, bourgeois morality and the arts.

Paul and Menno's versatility manifests itself not only in their film work, but extends to photography, installations and even theatre. For this programma, father and son made a selection of 16 short films, including some analogue treasures from the 1970-90s, carefully digitised by Eye Filmmuseum.

With several awards at major international film festivals (Oberhausen, Stuttgart, Ottawa, Annecy), the duo's creations transcend all national borders. Their distinctive style enjoys the appreciation of every client around the world, ranging from ministries to pop bands and the legendary television network MTV. As if the films in the programme were not enough, Menno de Nooijer will also grant some insights into the professional challenges of carefully balancing commerce and art.

Curated by Mette Peters.


Sunday 14 April 2024
15:15 Eye Cinema 2



First Animation

Paul de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1970
1 min.

Rhythmic movements of three people sitting in a living room.

Transformation by Holding Time (Muse)

Paul de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1976
3 min.

Polaroid photos of naked woman are fixed in front of the camera, making the woman disappear gradually from sight.

Touring Holland by Bicycle

Jerry Musser 
Paul de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1981
3 min.

A group runs round the table faster and faster in a small room.

At One View

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1989
7 min.

Two men in chairs by the fireplace and photos moving in front of their heads.


Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1991
3 min.

Homage to Tex Avery.

Plus Minus

Menno de Nooijer 
Katja Sobrino
The Netherlands, 1991
2 min.

We keep trying to change other people, even those we love.

Student Film

Stop the Greenhouse Effect

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1992
5 min.

About the greenhouse effect, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Environment.

Stop Action Faces

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 1993
1 min.

HIV/AIDS information commercial for the Texas Health Department.

In Heaven Everything is Fine

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 2011
1 min.

In a tribute to David Lynch, 5 angels/devils sing that in heaven everything is fine.


Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 2010
2 min.

Five men, five ukuleles and five guitars.

Jailhouse Rock

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 2014
5 min.

Five prisoners get three minutes to perform together.

Filmfest Dresden

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 2016
1 min.

Various ways to show the magic of film. Festival trailer.

Norwegian Dream

Paul de Nooijer
The Netherlands
Norway, 2019
2 min.

In the snow.

Student Film

Is Heaven Blue #2

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands
Norway, 2023
17 min.

Saying goodbye to a collaboration of 30 years, a wife, a son, a father, the studio, the garden and all other aspects of life.

Met Groet uit 2053

Paul de Nooijer 
Menno de Nooijer
The Netherlands, 2023
2 min.

Anticipating on the waterlevel in 2053 (after the flood in 1953).