Film tips: Valentine’s Day animation top 5

💗 Wishing all Kaboomers out there a happy Valentine’s Day! Love love, love animation, and how perfectly imperfect we are! 💗


Check out the list of films we prepared for you:

#1 ❤️ Howard

🎬 Julia Pott, 2010, 3’54”


#2 ❤️ Roberto

🎬 Carmen Córdoba González, 2020, 10’12”


#3 ❤️ And a nasty but funny one: Keith Reynolds Can’t Make It Tonight

🎬 Felix Massie, 2008, 6’08”


#4 ❤️Opening night – Communication is the key to a good relationship

🎬 Margaret Bialis, 2018, 5′


#5 ❤️Pussy – as if you can’t love yourself, how the hell can you love others 

🎬 Renata Gąsiorowska, 2016, 8’22”