Volunteers: we need you!

Kaboom 2024 is making a comeback, and we need you to help us make it legendary again! 

Our festival wouldn’t be the same without you… THE VOLUNTEERS! 🤍

Become part of our incredible team of heroes and join us in creating an event to remember. 🦸🦸‍♂️ 

Wondering why you should come on board as a volunteer? 

  1. First and foremost, for the unforgettable experience that is Kaboom! You’ll make lifelong friendships, have a great experience, and memories – GUARANTEED. 
  2. Kaboom T-shirt
  3. You’ll get access to one screening per shift. Do you complete more than 4 shifts? Then you’ll get unlimited access to our screenings! 
  4. Access to one hell of a closing party 🔥
  5. The opportunity to meet your animation heroes and learn about the industry 

Sign up before the 18th of March by clicking the button below. We can’t wait to meet you and work together! 

Check all the volunteer roles out HERE. 

Questions? Contact us through volunteers@kaboomfestival.nl 

📷 @jaimekorbee